Celestron T Ring Which Telescope And CCD/camera Should I Buy?

Which Telescope and CCD/camera should I buy? - celestron t ring

There are so many opportunities if you look at the fields. I held a little baby Price blurred Meade Field (later) with my car and want the separation of the ring of Saturn, Jupiter's moons, nebulae and galaxies, if I can see. I looked into the telescope down. But I can not have many pictures or videos in which these models, but more expensive models.

Meade 8 "Light Bridge $ 399.99
Celestron NexStar 4 SE $ 599.99
iOptrn SMARTSTAR G Go GPS N114 $ 399.99

The Light Bridge is the best future, and I can say that (the right to monopolize most of the light). But he did not GOTO or follow-up, and probably not good for astrophotography is the main thing I would do with the new telescope.

iOptron GPS jumping and really nice, but that the telescope is very low.

The Celestron seems to have the best characteristics of both areas, but it costs $ 600. I do not fear the $ 600 as always confused with this issue, but for that price I expect at 5,6,8 or even 10 "range. Really about lenses and makes it better than the others.

In addition, the device image capture must be used? Web camera, security camera, B / W, color, or I can be only a CCD telescopes.


Larry454 said...

Hmmm --

Not sure where to start here. It's great that you have at this amateur astronomy in general and look particularly astrophotography. However:

1. I am very concerned that you are using the issue of scope as a criterion. It is a neon sign that you really need, really, to make careful consideration and review before buying anything.

2. If you know the night sky (which is to be the case on the basis of the description of what you see) seems to be really begin to learn. If you really do not understand that things are or how they move, you are concentrating hard, and the pursuit of your goals. You may think you let the computer do everythingDetails, but it would be a mistake.

3. If you think that Celestron is a little on the high side price, wait until you do astrophotography. They spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours in order to obtain satisfactory results. I am not convinced that it is ready - still do - to the investment.

4. (Added: The fact that you do not understand, strengthen the focus in my opinion, rather. The guys I know who are successful in astrophotography is not only an understanding of the focal lengths. They eat breakfast. Seriously, for a success for all need to understand better the astrophotography, telescope making and astronomy, it seems that - at least for the moment. That sounds condescending, no doubt - but that's how people get frustrated and sell at the endhis team in a year or two years).

You see, I understand their enthusiasm. You want it all now. But astronomy is really a hobby that requires patience - a lot of patience. And that goes to another level in the field of astrophotography. You will not understand the patience until you own children or adolescents who have tried all night to stay focused when the image is 20 degrees outside. These two are roughly equivalent.

There are some very experienced people here, and are usually on the same message. Start with something you can use to actually see objects. This means that as open as you can afford it. Spend your money on optics instead of electronics. If you want a room with a clock unit, then get one too. You have to paymuch to him if you want similar openings. But I do not spend their money on the Go features if you're in the middle of light pollution (in this case, astrophotography is even more difficult). Discover the night sky. If you strap a webcam or a camera issue and take a few blurry pictures of objects very bright, very good. You can do this after they learned not to use the scope, but it is better to dress too warm. The crowd can be very frustrating for a beginner. It would be unwise to raise your level of frustration due to problems with CCD, while you struggle with "What the hell?" It seems that in the book. If you do not do at a local celebration of the star, by all means . Find your local astronomy club and have the opportunity to see and toou can wait. It is as if you think otherwise, I think. Good luck and clear skies for you. And patience.

Geoff G said...

Of the three you mention are not suitable for astrophotography by Altazimuth increases. However, a quality equatorial mount is more expensive than one of these telescopes, only the Assembly without a telescope! The 8 "Light Bridge is the best of all, but you can save money and hassle of obtaining the same spirit, a solid tube, pipe, instead of Lightbridge armor.

Here are some websites with good information on beginner telescopes:
http://www.gaherty.ca/tme/TME0702_Buying ...
http://observers.org/beginner/jrfbegi ...

For more extensive information, read Phil Harrington Starware, 4 Edition (Wiley).

You get the value for your money with a TritonOniani Dobsonian reflector on a hill, as the following:
http://www.telescope.com/control/categor ...
... http://www.skywatchertelescope.net/swtin

Buy from a store that specializes in the purchase telescopes and astronomy, either locally or online, not in department stores, discount stores or eBay, as is everything they sell junk. Find your local astronomy club and try different telescopes at one of its groups of stars:
http://www.skyandtelescope.com/community ...

I urge beginners to leave astrophotography until they have learned their way into the sky. Astrophotography is by far the most expensive and difficult area of amateur astronomy.

BeachBum said...

I agree that in general the astrophotography not for beginners, but its very special.
I had a lot of areas that without a telescope for a while, back in the hobby, I decided to go with ETX125 Meade. Lightweight, compact, fairly large lens diameter, jumping and Meade LPI, Lunar Planet Pictures, which introduced me the photo. (More calls Astrophotography this century .... soooooo)
She gave me about $ 1000 total.
Join the forum CloudyNights ", BTW, one learns much about.

Tina L said...

Part of your question, we immediately: Forget about astrophotography. not for beginners, and you can not go on. The fact that you have to ask yourself, says there is nothing for you.

With this site, all things are equal, their money on the spirit of openness, namely the Meade Lightbridge. achieve more if you can afford. This assumes you can handle, and carry a big enough piece of equipment. Do not worry about tracking: balanced initiatives with a very light touch born and stay where you point. My 18 "will be born with one finger. it's nice. :-)

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